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New Players Guide:

Getting Started
So you are a new player to Londinivm, and you have no idea what to do. Here are some things to keep in mind:

The energy system: You have a limited amount of energy. Everything in the game requires energy: to battle opponents in the arena, thieve from other players, mine for tin or silver, smelt ore into bars, or forge bars into weapons, or to explore the maze. Energy regenerates at a rate of 3 every 15 minutes, so if you run out, just rest a moment, and you will get more!

Player class: To start with, explore Londinivm by checking out all of the links to get a feel for the game before you choose your player class. There are eight different classes, each with its own special ability, so choose carefully! After choosing your class, visit the employment section, and get a job to earn some credits. You can work every day.

Starting off: You will have 1,000 credits to start off with, visit both the black market, and the blacksmith. Find the best prices to equip your character with a weapon, armour, shield, and helmet.

Industries: You can choose to mine for ores, or turn ores into bars, or forge the bars into weapons in the forge. These are all found under 'Industries' in Londinivm. You will need to buy a pickaxe for mining; it is a small investment for the return you will receive from mining. You will also need to pay the smelter a small fee in order to be able to smelt for life. At level 15, you are able to smelt silver, and I’m told there are great benefits for having a high mining level as well. At the forger, you take you tin and turn it into weapons. Each weapon has both a forging skill level requirement and a bar requirement available by clicking the links on the bottom of the list of equipment available to forge.

Battle Arena: There are many things to do in Londinivm; however, the main focal point for most people is battling in the battle arena. Fighting other players increases your experience, eventually increasing your level. Each increase earns you upgrade points to improve your character. If somebody kills you, don’t worry; just heal yourself in the healers hut!

Tribes: In Londinivm, there are tribes to join. As a member of a tribe, you will work together with other members to create buildings, to facilitate the creation of the best weapons, and to develop plans that will help both you and the tribe as a whole. You can check out the different existing tribes in the Community Section of Londinivm, and even apply for one there. Or, if you think you could run a great tribe, start saving to create your own!

Estate Wars: Soon you will have earned enough money to buy a small field! This can significantly increase your income. A small field costs 2,000 credits, and each peasant is 5,000 credits. You may employ two peasants on each small field, and each peasant will earn 1,000 credits per day. A small field can neither attack nor be attacked, so it is the best investment to start with. After you get more familiar with estates, you can aspire to owning a Citadel!

Everyday: There are three things to remember to do everyday:
i. Use your battle trains in the battle arena. You have 10 per day, or 15 if you are a subscriber, and also use some energy battling other players in the real arena.
ii. Work in Employment, as discussed above in Player Class.
iii. Train in Strength, Speed, or Knowledge in the Training District of Londinivm. You have 25 trains to use per day between these three choices.

Enjoy! Now you know the basics. You should be ready to go!

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